Our Team Helps Yours Find Their Genius

We are committed to creating workplaces where everyone thrives and works from their strengths.

Our team members bring a wealth of expertise and passion to shape a collaborative journey that fosters inclusion and drives transformative impact.

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What We Stand For

With decades of combined experience, personal dedication to the principles of inclusion and belonging, and a commitment to showing up in the world as our best selves, we're a dynamic force for positive change.

We are committed to creating workplaces where everyone thrives. Our team members bring a wealth of expertise and passion to shape a collaborative journey that fosters inclusion and drives transformative impact.

Introducing (in ABC Order)

Akanke Adefunmi

Akanke Adefunmi

Talent & Genius Associate

Executive Leadership Coach, Trainer

Diversity Coach, Change Management, Positive Intelligence, Coaching

Nancy Marmolejo - Oakland California

Nancy Marmolejo

Talent & Genius CEO

Lead Consultant, Executive Coach, Keynote Speaker

DiSC® Assessment, Trauma Informed Leadership, DEI, Coaching, Conflict Resolution, M.A. Multicultural Education

Leena Mendoza

Leena Mendoza

Talent & Genius Associate

Learning Design Specialist, Trainer, Executive Coach

Instructional Design, Project Managment, DiSC Assessment, Positive Intelligence

Damali Robertson

Damali Robertson

Talent & Genius Associate

DEI Facilitator, Trainer, Program Developer, Racial Equity Coach

M.A. Social Justice and Organizing, DEI Director

David L. Walker, Jr.

David L. Walker, Jr.

Talent & Genius Associate

Mindfulness Specialist, Community Outreach Lead, Trainer, Content Creator

MBA, Chief Strategy Officer, Chief Diversity Officer, Mental Health Advocate

Certified Minority Business / Woman Owned Business

certified minority business enterprise california

It's time to make DEIB a sustainable reality.

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